Course Designer 4
Course Designer is the world's most popular software for designing and sharing dog agility courses and exercises. Much more than just a program for drawing course maps, Course Designer 4 also lets you view course models in 3D, and take 3D virtual walk-throughs of courses.
Try Course Designer 4 free for 30 days. After the 30-day free trial period, you can continue to use Course Designer 4 as a free course viewer and free format conversion tool, even if you decide not to buy an activation license.
Besides 3D course modelling, Course Designer 4 has other major advancements beyond Course Designer 3, such as being able to edit the properties of multiple shapes at once.
Even if you already know you want to purchase Course Designer 4, you still need to download and install Course Designer 4 on your computer before you can purchase an activation license. If you have already installed Course Designer 4, you can select the "Buy a license" radio button that appears on the Course Designer 4 Activation dialog box when you open Course Designer 4, and click the OK button. This will go to the Purchase web page, automatically entering your computer's request code. Or, you can go to the Purchase web page directly, and enter your request code manually.